Criobite — Always a work in progress.

Hi, I'm Criobite!

I have a love and curiosity for all things creative, including game development, music production, artwork, and storytelling.

I'm developing games with my brothers at Light Wolf Studios!

Coming Soon: GRID_HACKER

Guide your signal to the target while hacking into the grid puzzle network. Craft your own level packs in the fully featured editor.

My Work


I've worked on a bunch of online & PC games, ranging from bigger projects like Rotate, to a multitude of smaller games made in only a few days!


I've been producing music ever since I was a kid. You can hear my recent video game soundtracks where you stream music, or buy the albums on Bandcamp!


Some other projects I've worked on include my Christmas Mod for Minecraft and restoring a classic online puzzle-game called "WhizzBall!".